Swine & Wine
offers unique
Benefits for sponsors
- Access to practial and scientific Know-how
- The latest scientific expertise from the pharmaceutical industry
- Access to our global experts for your meetings/conferences
- Explore the specific needs on the swine market and get new insights
- Newest input and insight in practical daily problems
- Direct feedback from practical fields
- Exclusive access to Swine & Wine conference papers of the sponsored meeting
Benefits for members
- Opportunity to join a specialized group of international colleagues who are willing to share their specific experiences in an informal, enjoyable environment
- Access to practial and scientific Know-how
- Access to our global experts for your meetings/conferences
- Explore the specific needs on the swine market and get new updated insights
- Permanent exchange of experiences among group members
- 29 years of experience – and counting
- Support through our experts for daily needs (within 48 hours)
Benefits for interested pharma companies, breeding companies and large swine companies
- Choose specialists out of our pool of highly qualified members
- We cover all topics of pig production required for your presentations